Influences like Critical Race Theory, gender studies,the world of psychotherapy, and countless other voices in our culture want to have say over how we think and act.
It's common for Christians compartmentalize the Lordship of Christ to only the spiritual parts of their lives, leading them to seek out such worldly influences in all other matters.
We must regain our belief in the sufficiency of scripture. God has not left us in the dark, nor has He told us we are free to choose for ourselves. He has given us His Word, and we must shape every part of our lives around its teachings.
"No creed but Christ" has long been one of the rallying cries of the churches of Christ. But is it accurate? Is it helpful?...
Gnosticism was one of the biggest false doctrines faced by the early church. Nearly 2,000 years later many Christians still wrestle with the gnostic...
Christians believe in a God of 3 persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But does it matter that we include all 3? And...