The Consequences of Downplaying the Old Testament

Episode 8 November 02, 2022 01:08:24
The Consequences of Downplaying the Old Testament
Who Let the Dogma Out?
The Consequences of Downplaying the Old Testament

Nov 02 2022 | 01:08:24


Hosted By

Jack Wilkie Daniel Mayfield

Show Notes

Marcion the Heretic was removed from the early church for teaching that the God of the Old Testament was a different being than the God of the New Testament.

While his heresies were rejected long ago, many Christians have adopted a soft Marcionism, downplaying the Old Testament and implying Jesus' arrival erased much of what the OT shows us about God.

In this episode:

- Why it's good that the Old Testament narratives often make us uncomfortable
- How the New Testament's and Old Testament's depictions of God are incomplete without the other
- Why relegating our OT studies to moralizing children's Bible class stories has caused harm to the church

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